
May 15, 2014

The Jimmy Fallon Effect and Writing

By Annette Cole Mastron, Communications Director for Southern Writers Magazine

Everybody is talking about the boost of NBC's ad revenue in their first quarter of 2014, attributing the 30% increase to the Olympics and the new host of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon and the move of The Tonight Show back to New York City. The show is fresh, edgy, and a good indicator of current trends that could be of value to authors. Jimmy Fallon is a real talent and an avid reader.

In the Fallon segment, "Do Not Read List" it can be extremely helpful to authors as Kerry Nietz found out. His book made the list in March, 2014. 

After I viewed the show, I connected with Kerry and was astounded by the incredible history of his book an it's success for him. Kerry's article in the current issue of Southern Writers Magazine tells the story of his book and what has happened after this unexpected exposure on "The Tonight Show." He also did a blog post here on Suite T.

Authors, don't hate Jimmy Fallon. Chin up and write on. When you write a book and put it out in the world you have to develop the ability "to roll with the flow." If you can't laugh at yourself you may not be prepared for an unexpected windfall like what happened to Kerry. Two short minutes on Fallon, could provide you with the benefit of the most publicity any author dreams of for their book.

Some authors would be outraged, if their books appeared on The Tonight Show segment. Smart authors would welcome the exposure.

"All press is good press," you betcha. 
Adjust your attitude authors, it's all good if it promotes your book. 

Since Jimmy Fallon is also know for his Friday night, "Thank You Notes" segment, let me pull out my monogramed thank you notes and write: "Thank you, Jimmy Fallon for the unexpected exposure and may "The Fallon Effect" be with all of us authors."

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